Coding, Graphics & Photography

Category: News


Regarding TreasureChest & NEINedit

As you can see I didn’t update both programs for a while now which means that development of both ended. For various reasons. TreasureChest ended since I didn’t have that much time in the past two years and Minecraft didn’t eat as many savegames as it did before. If that’s not enough: I ended development on OS X AND REALbasic in general. I couldn’t even build new versions if I would because my licence ended 2 years ago. NEINedit was a side project of TreasureChest and ended with it for the same reasons.

I thank everyone who downloaded and used those tools. If you like statistics: I had 37561 recorded downloads (OS X & Windows combined) for TC v3.3 and about 10€ donations (well, isn’t that a bad cut..?). NEINedit had a total of 18719. Both numbers only reflect the downloads from this website. The Rapidshare mirror had about half of these last time I checked. I can’t do that anymore since they deleted my account now.

Again: Thank you for your support in finding bugs and using my programs. Maybe there’ll be something Minecraft related in the future. Who knows 🙂

TreasureChest Linux Support

Well, the version for linux is back up (see what I did here;)) again. Since I released the first version it had been a pain in the ass. Not working at all for 2 versions I finally managed to get things right this time. At least some. Continue reading

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